The most recent publications by the Society are the following books.
Long Lake Cemetery Burials - published summer 2019

Paula Rautanen has recently researched the Long Lake Finnish Cemetery burials and published an updated edition of the book. The cemetery is the final resting place of original Finnish settlers in the area. There are 50 known burials between 1932 and 1951 and also the ashes that were buried in 1989. This publication tells of their ordeals, hard work and some tragic endings. It was recently updated and corrected as was the “ Memorial Plaque” in the cemetery. Due to littering and the possibility of vandalism the gate is now locked. To gain access please contact one of the trustees listed on the Members page under heading About the FCHS. The book is also for sale at $15
Finns in the Inco Triangle and IN Touch 1936-2002 - published April 2017

Available by contacting Marty Neva at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. It will also be available for sale at this summer's Suomi Fest, which is the 80th anniversary of the first Grand Festival to be held in Sudbury on June 16 to 18, 2023 at College Boreal.
The book is 383 pages, has over 700 articles and photos and mentions over 1,600 people. Price is $25. The content is a collection of Articles and Photographs of people of Finnish heritage in the Inco Triangle and IN Touch, publications of International Nickel Company Limited (Later known as Inco Limited and Vale Canada Ltd.) The Inco Triangle was a monthly publication of happenings in the company’s operations and events in the lives of its employees. IN Touch was a quarterly publication that highlighted events such as retirements, anniversaries, sports and hobbies in the lives of Inco pensioners.
The editor of the book was Marty Neva, and was inspired by his collection of Inco Triangles and IN Touch magazines and his interest in documenting the contribution of the Finnish peoples to Inco and the community at large.
Enterprising Finns - published 2013
The previous publication of the Society was "Enterprising Finns", a collection of advertisements and history of businesses owned and operated by Finns. This was a monumental effort by the Society, championed by Arnold Niemiaho and Antti Haaranen, former Chairmen of the Finnish-Canadian Historical Society (Kanadan Suomalainen Historiaseura) of Sudbury.

The project was inspired not only by the publication of a similar book by the Finnish-Canadian Historical Society of Thunder Bay, but also the ongoing objective of our Society to "keep Finnish history alive." The Society decided in the early 2000s to gather information on past and present Finnish businesses that have existed in the Sudbury area over the years. Since then, information has been gathered from various sources including interviews, archival material of all kinds including newspapers, books, photographs, unpublished manuscripts, festival booklets, etc. until it was published in 2013. The Society wishes to acknowledge the contribution made by everyone who contributed to this project in one form or another.
This publication has been largely self-financed by the Society; however, we are grateful for the financial assistance provided by the Finnish National Society of Sudbury (Sudburyn Kansallisseura). Thanks must likewise be extended to Northern Life, South Side Story and the Sudbury Star for their permission to publish material gathered from their newspapers.
Dr. Oiva Saarinen and Dr. Gerry Tapper were the driving force in completing the book and Mandy Kinnonen was the graphic design and content editor. The books have sold almost 400 copies at $20 each. There are a few copies still available from the Society.
The Society has previously published cemetery books for Waters, Beaver Lake and Nairn cemeteries, which include photos of all the grave markers for Finnish burials and an obituary, where available. These books have been sold out and there are no plans to reprint them.
A booklet written by Eino Nissila about the history of the Finns in the Long Lake area called "Pioneers of Long Lake" is also available from the Society in limited quantities.
Please contact Shirley Makela at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for availability and pricing.